試聽Shout Out Louds的新歌Blue Ice並收看他們瘋狂的冰唱片影片


瑞典花草團Shout Out Louds即將於明年二月發行新專輯,最先公佈的單曲是〈Blue Ice〉,描寫一場失敗的戀曲,輕巧的鍵盤和低調的吉他讓這首歌聽起來溫柔迷人,但是為了強調主題的毀滅性,〈Blue Ice〉還發行了10張限量版的「 冰」唱片,唱片的包裝盒是一個模具,附上一瓶水,只要把水倒進模具並放進冷凍庫,即可以做出冰唱片。在唱機上播放,唱片會在空氣中融化,如同逝去的戀情一般。寫信到樂團官方信箱,就有機會贏得一張。


Listen to the real song here... http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F69031300%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-Euf5G&show_artwork=true&secret_url=true Or Download here: http://www.facebook.com/Shoutoutlouds/app_172261422915404 Hello everyone! It has been a while, but things are very much beginning to melt into place. We shipped out an extremely limited number of secret boxes containing a rare sample of new music from our forthcoming album.


  1. Sugar
  2. Illusions
  3. Blue Ice
  4. 14th of July
  5. Burn
  6. Walking in Your Footsteps
  7. Glasgow
  8. Where You Come In
  9. Hermila
  10. Chasing the Sinking Sun
  11. Circles
  12. Destroy
Deep One Perfect Morning © 2012-2025