睽違四年的美國樂團Yeah Yeah Yeahs四月要推出新作品了,由TV on the Radio的團員Dave Sitek擔綱製作,專輯名稱是《Mosquito》,封面也有一隻大蚊子。
下方可以觀看宣傳短片,以及他們最近現場表演的新歌〈Suck Young Blood〉和〈Earth〉(推測歌名)。
睽違四年的美國樂團Yeah Yeah Yeahs四月要推出新作品了,由TV on the Radio的團員Dave Sitek擔綱製作,專輯名稱是《Mosquito》,封面也有一隻大蚊子。
下方可以觀看宣傳短片,以及他們最近現場表演的新歌〈Suck Young Blood〉和〈Earth〉(推測歌名)。
MOSQUITO - April 15 (UK) / April 16 (US) Pre-Order Mosquito: http://www.yeahyeahyeahs.com/mosquito http://www.yeahyeahyeahs.com https://www.facebook.com/yeahyeahyeahs https://twitter.com/yyys instagram - @yeahyeahyeahs Director: KK Barrett Camera: Barney Clay 2nd Camera: Jared Zagha Editor: Vanessa Roworth Stylist: Brandy St John Hair and Makeup: Mike Potter Sound Engineer: Abbey Echiverri Sound Mix: Nick Zinner
Yeah Yeah Yeahs open their set with Suck Young Blood (new song), live at the Glass House in Pomona, California on January 11, 2013.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs perform a new song, live at the Glass House in Pomona, California on January 11, 2013.