傳奇低傳真樂隊Neutral Milk Hotel宣佈重組以及巡迴演出

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​在九八年發行低傳真搖滾的經典專輯《In the Aeroplane Over the Sea》後不久便宣告解散的Neutral Milk Hotel,今年終於在他們的官網宣佈重組與巡迴的訊息,當然最令人興奮的是巡迴名單上出現了台灣,他們將在今年的11/28登台演出,這次的巡迴陣容與製作《In the Aeroplane Over the Sea》時期的團員相同,除了主唱Jeff Mangum,還有Jeremy Barnes、Scott Spillane、Julian Koster。部份演唱會收入以及販賣Box Set的所得將會捐助非營利組織Children of the Blue Sky幫助在蒙古流浪街頭的孩子,讓他們回到學校接受教育,學習生活的技能。

來欣賞Neutral Milk Hotel於九八年​的演出。

Neutral Milk Hotel live at The Knitting Factory, NY, March 7th, 1998 Two-Headed Boy April 8th Oh Comely The Fool The King of Carrot Flowers pts 2 & 3 Naomi Ghost Song Against Sex Ruby Bulbs Excerpts from the performance can be found on the bonus features of the Major Organ & The Adding Machine DVD Support the band and but it at www.orangetwin.com Thanks to the taper goldenpuppy1 for the orignal upload and mcw for the editing skills

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