Death Grips在今年短短的時間內就發行了兩張專輯,分別是《The Money Store》和專輯封面極具爭議的《No Love Deep Web》,他們以強勢獨特的實驗風格為嘻哈音樂另闢蹊徑,成為今年獨立樂界最受矚目的嘻哈組合。NPR在十月十七號於紐約的(Le) Poisson Rouge錄製了實驗嘻哈組合Death Grips的現場演出,你可以在下面觀賞到整場演出。
Death Grips在今年短短的時間內就發行了兩張專輯,分別是《The Money Store》和專輯封面極具爭議的《No Love Deep Web》,他們以強勢獨特的實驗風格為嘻哈音樂另闢蹊徑,成為今年獨立樂界最受矚目的嘻哈組合。NPR在十月十七號於紐約的(Le) Poisson Rouge錄製了實驗嘻哈組合Death Grips的現場演出,你可以在下面觀賞到整場演出。
A California group that pushes hip-hop's boundaries to extremes, Death Grips hadn't been seen in New York City since the release of The Money Store early this year. Since then, Death Grips has recorded (and promptly leaked) another album, NO LOVE DEEP WEB, so the crowd was clearly pumped for this show at New York City's (Le) Poisson Rouge, recorded live Wednesday during the week of the CMJ Music Marathon.